Breeding & Registering your GRP

BReeding A GRP
I am like a kid at Christmas when I hear about all of the amazing foals bred by clients, or I finally get to meet the foals we breed ourselves. However with the joy of breeding, we must also be prepared for heartache and sometimes great expense. Fortunately, the good far outweighs the bad and I think it is well worth it, if you have the room to breed, the time to handle the foal and the patience to let it grow up. :-)
When breeding your foal, the biggest issue is the expense and the uncertainty of the unknown. Below I have estimated some of the costs of breeding and raising a foal to 6 months of age. I hope this is of assistance to breeders who are new to the business.
Semen Collection and Transport costs – average $500 airport to airport
Vet fees per cycle - $500 (based on average and does not include agistment if mare is sent to vet) This may be more if using Frozen.
Feeding the mare until foal is 6 months old – Based on $10 per day = $5470 (547 days)
Farrier for mare (6 weekly visits) $700
Worming (4 times) - $100
Foaling upkeep to 6 months
IgG on birth - $80
Farrier - (based on 4 trims) - $240
Tetanus Vaccination (2 vaccinations) - $150
Branding - $65
Microchipping - $80
Registration - I have not included this as the price varies dependent on the association you choose to register with. At Roseglen Farm, we register our foals direct back to the Westphalian Studbooks or with the ACE Group Inc. Registration and membership varies between both associations, DNA cost is $95 and is managed by the ACE Group Inc on behalf of Westphalia
I have not included the cost of semen as that is dependent on which stallion you choose, if you use frozen, chilled or fresh semen
Total Cost $7980*
REgistering your GRP
Until recently, there was no registry available to register Germany Riding Ponies bred in Australia as a German Riding Pony. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society, Arabian Horse Society and the APSB all provided options, but not as a GRP.
The ACE Group Inc. offers membership, horse registrations, assessment, DNA typing, and much more. In addition to the Warmblood Studbooks, the Ace Group Inc. offers an ACE Performance Pony Studbook as well as a Registration opportunity for all other Performance Horses, segregated into two Registers. ACE creates and maintains Certificates of Pedigree incorporated into the ACE Horse Passport, Certificates of Ownership and Assessment as well as Performance Records.
ACE Group Inc. is a member of the WBFSH (World Breeding Federation of Sport Horses) which confirms the ACE Group Inc. as an Internationally recognised Warmblood Breeding Association. With this membership brings a number of International Protocols that must be adhered to. These protocols are also applied to the Pony Studbook section - therefore providing breeders with an Internationally recognised breeding passport for all ponies bred and registered with the ACE Group Inc. The ACE Group is the only studbook in Australia that registeres ponies that holds WBFSH affiliation.
For more information on the Ace Group Inc, please visit their website at
There are also options to register foals from approved mares and stallions into the German Studbooks of Westphalia and Weser Ems (in conjunction with the Oldenburg Society). To enable these registrations, you must nominate your mare and or foal for assessment on the ACE Tour, in which the pony will be assessed by the Internationally recognised and approved assessor. The assessment fee is payable to the ACE Group and all membership and registration fees are payable to the German Breed Registry and will be billed direct to you.