SPS Sweet Belladonna

SPS Sweet Belladonna
Sire: Champus K (Champagner/ Top Nonstop)
Dam: El. St. Sira (Blackboy/ Brillant)
D.O.B: 2007
Height: 149cm
Sweet Belladonna K was bred by Reinhard Kramer of Lathen (www.reitponyzucht-kramer-de).
Bella is a beautiful mare with an exceptional temperament which she passes on to her progeny. Belladonna achieved her State Premium Status in 2010 with an overall score of 8.1, including a 9 for her jump. She qualified for the Elite Mare show at Wusting where she was the 1D Champion in the Brilliant Ring.
Bella is the dam of numerous successful foals. Most notably, Roseglen Pop Art, the first Australian bred GRP to license and approve into the Westphalian studbooks and serious pony dressage star.
Her Sire
Gigi's sire is the Westphalion Pony Champion, Dating AT. Dating AT was the 2014 Pony Licensing Champion in Westphalia. Dating AT is by the Double Bundeschampion Dimension AT and is one of the first foal crop. Dating possesses three above average paces, always uphill and has very good temperament. He was placed at the 2015 Bundeschampion of 3yo ponies and shows great disposition under saddle. Dating AT has an enviable pedigree, consisting of ponies known for their ridebility by children and success at all levels, Dimension AT, Genesis B and Golden Dancer.
Her Dam
VPS Guinevere is by the Chmpion stallion Danny Gold out of a Dreamcatcher mare. She was awarded the Verbands Premium Stute title at the 2013 Hanoverian mare test. Guinevere also qualified for the state premium finals at the Hanoverian Elite Mare Show in Germany. Guinevere is by Danny Gold. who comes from one of the most famous families in German Riding Pony History. Father Dornik B (also sire of our young colt Dorniks Dynamit) is four times National Championa and repeatedly victorious in Advanced level dressage tests. As a 6yo Dornik B won the National Championship with a dream score of 9.6.

Roseglen SUNGOLD

Roseglen Pop ARt